Date: July 25, 1955
Decade: 1950s
Creator: Martha Van Bibber
Description: Describes Kit Butler’s life, a Black man from Lauderdale County whohad been enslaved by Martin Butlerand had lived through the Civil War. Also, notes that he came to Lauderdale County in 1868 and had moved to Center Star in 1872
Language: English
Subject: Enslavement
Location Depicted: Florence, AL, Lauderdale Co., AL
Digital Publisher: The Florence Times
Rights Information: Public Domain (Fair Use)
Citation: Van Bibber, Martha. “Kit Can Remember: Killen Negro, ‘Round 104,’ Was Once Slave.”The Florence Times, July 25, 1955
Source Format: Newspaper
Type: Text
Format: PDF
Tags: Enslavement, Interview, Life, War