Date: April 3, 1950
Decade: 1950s
Creator: Paul M. Yost
Description: Describes the opposing efforts in regard to segregation and attempts to analyze the legal implications of segregation. Also, contains information about an appeal against segregation from Elmer W. Henderson after he was denied service at a restaurant.
Language: English
Subject: Constitution, Jim Crow, Segregation, Separate but Equal
Location Depicted: Florence, AL, Lauderdale Co., AL
Digital Publisher: The Florence Times
Rights Information: Associated Press (Printed in The Florence Times)
Citation: Yost, Paul M. “Segregation Taken Up By U.S. Tribunal: Violation of Constitutional Rights Questions Raised.” The Florence Times, April 3, 1950.
Source Format: Newspaper
Type: Text
Format: PDF
Tags: Constitution, Court, Discrimination, Equality, JimCrow, Segregation, Separate