Date: January 20, 1955
Decade: 1950s
Creator: Mable Thomas Lee
Description: Describes Black residents in Colbert County working with the March of Dimes in an effort to end polio and includes that they met at Sterling High School to organize workers. Also, contains information about the community, including church news, school news, personal news, and funeral information.
Language: English
Subject: Community, Segregation
Location Depicted: Florence, AL, Lauderdale Co., AL
Digital Publisher: The Florence Times
Rights Information: Public Domain (Fair Use)
Citation: Lee, Mable T. “Negro News: Citizens In Colbert Are Busy On March Of Dimes.”The Florence Times, January 20, 1955
Source Format: Newspaper
Type: Text
Format: PDF
Tags: Church, Community, Fundraiser, Funeral, Organization, School, Segregation, Wedding