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School Tax Topic At Trenholm Meeting

November 1, 1955

Describes that Trenholm High School planned to have a program to discuss the Goodwyn Amendment, which was intended to increase taxes in order to support public education,and the recreational facilities provided for Black children in the area

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Negro News: East End High School Reports Successful Year

June 9, 1955

Describes that East End High School of Rogersville had had a successful year and that their facilities were slowly improving. Also, includes additional information about happenings in the community

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First Segregation Test Case To Be Heard In State

June 29, 1955

Describes that Autherine J. Lucy and Polly Ann Myers, two Black women seeking entry into the University of North Alabama, were appealing their case

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Florence Negro Swimming Pool To Open Tuesday

June 9, 1955

Describes that the segregated swimming pool for Black residents in the Florence community was opening in Handy Height

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Recreation For Negroes Is Discussed

March 10, 1955

Describes that the city of Sheffield was considering opening segregated recreation facilities

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Final Blow Against Segregation Seen Negroes’ Aim: Court May Be Reluctant To Take Such Act, Negroes Expected To Seek All-Out Ruling In Future

June 11, 1950

Discusses the belief that the Supreme Court would not address the issue of segregation in an all-encompassing manner and also conveys other ideas about the legality of segregation.

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Abernathy Scores Folsom’s Stand On Segregation

September 30, 1954

Describes a statement from the GOP nominee for governor, Tom Abernathy, who opposed the remark that segregated schools were unequal, which was made by the democratic nominee for governor, James E. Folsom.

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School Tax Topic At Trenholm Meeting

November 1, 1955

Describes that Trenholm High School planned to have a program to discuss the Goodwyn Amendment, which was intended to increase taxes in order to support public education and the recreational facilities provided for Black children in the area.

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Florence Negro Swimming Pool to Open Tuesday

July 9, 1955

Describes that the segregated swimming pool for Black residents in the Florence community was opening in Handy Heights.

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