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Editorial Grist: A Negro Looks At Segregation

February 5, 1953

Describes that people within the Black community do not see desegregation as the proper way to improve race relations and create equality because the integration of schools could cause many Black teachers in the south to be without jobs and to lose their salaries.

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Integration Makes Slow Progress

February 13, 1964

Explains the perception that the implementation of laws regarding integration by the Supreme Court were unwanted by white Americans across the nation and that Congress needed to focus on other important issues.

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Editorial Grist: The Other Way Around

February 14, 1963

Explains the belief that Attorney General Kennedy was unjust toward white Americans in his efforts to desegregate schools and federally fund integrated schools.

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A Wallace Ally in Chicago

February 27, 1964

Describes that Governor Wallace went on a tour of the Midwest and explains that he agreed with a Black, Chicago man named S.B Fuller who exhibited his views that civil rights protests were unproductive and that racial justice would not be acquired through integration.

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Wallace Resolution Progresses

March 11, 1965

Describes the resolution suggested by Governor Wallace to enable states to choose whether or not to integrate their schools and explains that other southern states began to approve the measure.

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Patterson to Ask U.S. Congress To Leave Schools Under Local Control

March 19, 1959

Describes the efforts of Governor Patterson and Senator Talmadge to create an amendment that would allow states to decide whether or not to integrate their schools.

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Editorial Grist: Racial Agitation Becomes Widespread

March 19, 1964

Conveys the belief that the migration of Black Americans caused problems for white Americans in those areas, that the effort to integrate schools was unfounded, and that Black leaders within the civil rights movement were uninformed.

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Editorial Grist: Meredith Venture Nears An End

January 24, 1963

Explains the efforts to restrict James Meredith from attending Ole Miss and presents the notion that Meredith was a lowly student and that the excessive funds utilized for the integration of the university were a waste.

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Race Ruling Is Challenged By 5 Southern States

January 26, 1956

Describes the efforts of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Virginia in their opposition of civil rights legislation by declaring their rights as sovereign states. Also explains that the states plan to implement incentives to maintain segregation and punishments for those who support organizations such as the NAACP.

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Editorial Grist: Brute Force, For Whites Only?

January 10, 1963

Questions the right for Black student James Meredith to leave Ole Miss to attend an NAACP meeting and poses that white students are facing discrimination.

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In Court-Ordered Desegregation Plan: Colbert Proposes School Zone Changes

January 13, 1970

Describes the Colbert County Board of Education submitting a desegregation plan to the federal courts system. The plan that was proposed sought to increase the number of black students in white schools. Sheffield, Tuscumbia, and Muscle Shoals are excluded from the zoning divisions. A map is included to show closer detail of the school zoning.

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Dixie Studies Integration Problem: Segregation Picture, State By State

June 12, 1955

Describes how different states were approaching the Supreme Court’s decision to integrate public schools.

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Supreme Court Bans School Segregation: ‘No Place in Education,’ Warren Says

May 17, 1954

Describes that the Supreme Court found segregation within public schools to be unconstitutional and provides statements made by Chief Justice Earl Warren.

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