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Work Of Klan? Burning Cross In Franklin

February 9, 1955

Describes that the police in Russellville found two burning crosses that also contained a note directed toward Irenge Husey and that they were going to investigate the incident

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No Evidence of Klan In Franklin Cross Burning

February 10, 1955

Describes that police officers believed the cross burning was a prank and that theKu Klux Klan was not involved

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Negro Girl Dies After Being Hit By Car Saturday

January 29, 1951

Explains that a three-year-old, Black girl named Myra Mae Thorne was killed in Allsboro after being struck by a car driven by John Wallace Poole

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Editorial Grist: The South Cannot Be Sure

June 16, 1958

Discusses the idea that there is no reason for the Civil Rights Commission to investigate potential violence in the south and expresses the belief that the south was being mistreated by the Justice Department.

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Editorial Grist: For A Saner Approach

July 7, 1949

Describes the belief that fighting against the Ku Klux Klan with violence is not productive and supports the efforts of Jefferson’ Sherriff McDowell in his investigation of the Klan.

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