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Ku Kluxers In Heated Dispute Among Selves: Cries Of Dictator, Traitor And Double Cross Being Flung

January 6, 1950

Discusses the disagreements between different leaders within the Ku Klux Klan as well as those in other masked groups in the south.

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Alabama KKK Splits Wide Open, Stated: Birmingham News In Copyrighted Story Makes Revelation

January 18, 1950

Describes the divides within Ku Klux Klan leadership as well as the problems and discrepancies within the organizations that resulted from inner disputes and legal issues.

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Sheriff Consorted Freely With Ku Kluxers, Charged

February 23, 1950

Describes that Sheriff Lynch of Dade county would undergo trial for lashing the backs of seven Black men with the Ku Klux Klan.

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“Drive KKK Out Of Business” Heflin Tells Legionnaires

July 7, 1949

Describes that a Tuscumbia attorney and Howell Thomas Heflin aimed to convince delegates that they needed to help get rid of the KKK and their violent principles.

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Editorial Grist: Fiery Crosses Burn Again

April 14, 1960

Explains the belief that the Ku Klux Klan is not any worse than those advocating for civil rights within the NAACP.

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Editorial Grist: Peace, Good Will – Ku Klux Version

January 7, 1960

Describes that the Ku Klux Klan intimidated a Black high school band so that they would not perform in the Christmas parade and explains the anger within factions of the community resulting from the Ku Klux Klan’s power over organizations.

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