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In Court-Ordered Desegregation Plan: Colbert Proposes School Zone Changes

January 13, 1970

Describes the Colbert County Board of Education submitting a desegregation plan to the federal courts system. The plan that was proposed sought to increase the number of black students in white schools. Sheffield, Tuscumbia, and Muscle Shoals are excluded from the zoning divisions. A map is included to show closer detail of the school zoning.

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Negro Pays Fine After Entering Plea Early Today

November 3, 1961

Describes Charlie Brown, a Florence ‘Negro’ previously taken into custody for “breaching the peace”, pleading guilty to his charge and paying a fine of $10. The articles goes on to say that the incident had no connection with any planned “sit-in” movement and was a misunderstanding.

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Possible Local ‘Sit-In’ Attempt Reported Today

November 2, 1961

This article describes Charlie Brown, a ‘Negro’ man, sitting down in a downtown drugstore in Florence, Alabama. Police were called after Brown made no effort to leave despite being asked to do so by store owners and he was taken into custody. The police assumed he would be charged with breach of the peace.

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Letters to the Editor: In Defense of the Rights of Negroes

February 18, 1965

The writer says that whites should not resent the peaceful demands that ‘negroes’ make in relation to their civil rights.

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Letters to the Editor: Decatur Area Man Has All the Answers

May 11, 1963

Describes a Decatur resident vouching to keep desegregation in place. He also says that ‘negroes’ are less developed and meant to be separate from whites.

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Letters to the Editor: “Mute Moderates” Are Asked to Speak Out

March 7, 1963

Writer calls for those who believe in desegregation who have not spoken out to do so in the midst of the events that have transpired across Alabama and in the South. Writer is from Florence, Alabama.

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’Sister Sal’ in Lions’ Minstrel

March 9, 1956

Describes a minstrel show put on by the Florence Lions Club in the Coffee High School auditorium. Participants are shown in a photo wearing blackface.

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Letter to the Editor: For Love Worketh No Ill to His Neighbor

March 6, 1956

May says that all segregation laws should be repealed and replaced by the law of love. He also says that whites do not need segregation in order to “get along with Negroes.”

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Letters to the Editor: Gradual Removal of Race Barriers Urged

February 26, 1956

Burgess, a Sheffield resident, urges other white southerners to break down their own racial barriers. Says that he does not believe it to be a quick or easy process, but a necessary one.

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