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‘Unholy Alliance Of DixiecratsAnd Yankee Money’ Hit

October 30, 1950

Highlights statements made by Walter White, secretary of the NAACP, regarding racism in the United States and changes that needed to be made to encourage Black citizens to vote

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Marker Placed On Grave Of Fiery Secessionist

January 18, 1951

Explains that a Civil War Secessionist and secretary Provisional Confederate Congress, Johnson Jones Hooper, received a grave marker after donations from both “Yankees”and “Rebels.”

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Editorial Grist: A Negro Looks At Segregation

February 5, 1953

Describes that people within the Black community do not see desegregation as the proper way to improve race relations and create equality because the integration of schools could cause many Black teachers in the south to be without jobs and to lose their salaries.

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Alabama Stunned By Segregation Rule: Most Dixie Officials Take Blow Calmly

May 18, 1954

Describes multiple southern governors’ reactions to the Supreme Court segregation decision and includes that many would attempt to maintain segregation, others planned to wait to see if it would be legally enforced, and only one state, Kentucky, agreed to comply.

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