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Editorial Grist: “It Was A Nice, Hot Day And School Was Out”

July 9, 1964

Describes a southern reaction to a riot that took place in Chicago.

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Editorial Grist: Playing Into Their Hands

June 1, 1961

Expresses the belief that violence against Civil Rights activists, particularly those known as the “Freedom Riders”, would not be productive in the effort to legally maintain segregation.

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Editorial Grist: The Story of Selma

February 11, 1965

Depicts a belief that the King-led fight for the ballot in Selma was an act of resistance that compares to communism and that those working within that cause were the aggressors and oppressors.

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Negro Claims Rape By Two Farmers

February 26, 1948

Describes that an investigation was being conducted after a Black woman named Mamie Peterson filed charges of rape against two white men.

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Race Violence Erupts Anew in Montgomery: New Cross Burnings at University / Bomb Tossed in Yard of Negro Leader

February 2, 1956

Two articles that identify cross burnings at the University of Alabama and a bomb landing in the yard of E.D. Nixon, former president of the NAACP.

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