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Editorial Grist: The Birmingham Story

October 3, 1963

Describes that a racially-motivated crime (the 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing) occurred in Birmingham and critiques the fact that white people were held responsible as well as how people held Governor Wallace as a promoter of racial violence.

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School Boards Urged To Resist

August 11, 1966

Explains that school boards were told that it was within their rights to maintain segregation despite federal law and also describes the segregationist views of Governor George C. Wallace.

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Wallace Thrills A Crowd of 5,000 Here

September 5, 1963

Describes a rally held by Governor Wallace where he declared that he would continue to defy federal law and attempt to maintain segregation in public schools, specifically at a white school in Tuskegee.

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Editorial Grist: Confrontation In Alabama

June 20, 1963

Describes previous efforts from Governor George Wallace to maintain segregation and argues that the courts should readdress the constitutionality of desegregation.

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Supreme Court Grants Stay In Integration Order For State Jails

March 23, 1967

Describes the order for Alabama prisons to be integrated as the result of a Supreme Court ruling and explains the push back from Governor Lurleen Wallace and Attorney General Gallion.

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Alabama Exhibit At Chicago Is Predicted

March 15, 1965

Describes that Governor Wallace visited Chicago for an Alabama travel exhibit and that protests broke out, many under the direction of CORE. Also, explains that Wallace expressed gratitude to the policeman who guarded the exhibit from picketers.

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Editorial Grist: Governor Wallace Leads The Fight

April 2, 1964

Explains the belief that Governor Wallace running for president would bring attention to the opposing side of the civil rights bill.

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Editorial Grist: Onward

April 15, 1965

Describes the perception that race relations were functional within Alabama, specifically in regard to education. Also, presents a statistic that Black teachers were paid more than white teachers.

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A Report From George C. Wallace, Governor of Alabama

May 16, 1963

Conveys the issues George Wallace wished to see addressed during his time as governor of Alabama and also describes his desire to reinforce and maintain segregation.

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Wallace Helps People Understand Civil Rights Bill

January 30, 1964

Explains that Governor Wallace provided his interpretations of the Civil Rights Bill on public television and that he also conferred with leaders in other states as they presented their conclusions on the legislation.

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Editorial Grist: Crummy Bigotry at Loyola

February 20, 1964

Explains the belief that free speech was denied when President Maguire of Loyola University denied Governor Wallace the ability to speak on campus due to the belief that it would offend the Black community.

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A Wallace Ally in Chicago

February 27, 1964

Describes that Governor Wallace went on a tour of the Midwest and explains that he agreed with a Black, Chicago man named S.B Fuller who exhibited his views that civil rights protests were unproductive and that racial justice would not be acquired through integration.

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Wallace Resolution Progresses

March 11, 1965

Describes the resolution suggested by Governor Wallace to enable states to choose whether or not to integrate their schools and explains that other southern states began to approve the measure.

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Wallace Suggests Plans To Bar Negroes From Offices

January 13, 1966

Depicts the efforts of Governor Wallace and the Legislative Council to keep Black Alabamians out of government office and explains the vote to create a study to ensure that Black Alabamians are not elected.

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‘Quit Giving Negroes Rides’, Mayor Urges in Montgomery

January 25, 1956

George Wallace reacts to the ongoing bus boycott in Montgomery.

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