Date: February 20, 1964
Decade: 1960s
Creator: The Montgomery Advertiser
Description: Explains the belief that free speech was denied when President Maguire of Loyola University denied Governor Wallace the ability to speak on campus due to the belief that it would offend the Black community.
Language: English
Subject: Free Speech, Governor Wallace, Loyola University, Public Opinion
Location Depicted: Colbert Co., AL, Tuscumbia, AL
Digital Publisher: Colbert County Reporter
Rights Information: Public Domain (Fair Use)
Citation: The Montgomery Advertiser. “Editorial Grist: Crummy Bigotry at Loyola.” Colbert County Reporter, February 20, 1964.
Source Format: Newspaper
Type: Text
Format: PDF
Tags: Community, Freedom, Loyola, Public, Speech, University, Wallace