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Dixie Scores new Victory Against Civil Rights Plan

July 13, 1950

Describes the vote for the disbandment of the Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC) and how many perceived that the result of that vote meant that President Truman would not be able to follow through on his civil rights promises.

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Negro Troops Serving Dual Purpose In Korean Warfare

August 20, 1950

Describes the importance of having Black troops fighting against communism and how race relations were used against the United States during diplomatic conversations.

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Methodist Negro Youth Conference Meets In Sheffield

August 22, 1950

Relays information about the second annual Youth Conference hosted by the Board of Religious Education of the Tuscumbia District for local Black churches.

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Cherokee Negro Hi P-TA Progressive

March 19, 1950

Explains that the Parent-Teachers Association of the Cherokee Negro high school met in order to discuss needs for the students, specifically the need for a better water system and funds, and gained support from the community.

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Sheriff, Deputy Convicted In Ku Klux Flogging Case

March 19, 1950

Describes that, in Dade County, Sheriff John W. Lynch and Deputy William Hartline were to serve one year in prison and pay a fine after handing seven Black men to a Ku Klux Klan mob to be abused and killed.

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Lauderdale County Negro Citizens Backing Red Cross

March 19, 1950

Describes the fundraising efforts of Black citizens in Lauderdale County and conveys that they were requested to raise $1,000 for the Red Cross.

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Negro House Total Loss of $5,500

April 3, 1950

Briefly describes that the home of a Black woman named Sadie Hicks burned down and that the cause was undetermined.

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Segregation Taken Up By U.S. Tribunal: Violation of Constitutional Rights Questions Raised

April 3, 1950

Describes the opposing efforts in regard to segregation and attempts to analyze the legal implications of segregation. Also, contains information about an appeal against segregation from Elmer W. Henderson after he was denied service at a restaurant.

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Racial Segregation Cases Pending In U.S. Supreme Court

April 5, 1950

Describes the three civil rights cases that were pending the Supreme Court that were being presented by Heman Marion Sweatt, G.W. McLaurin, and Elmer W. Henderson.

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Ku Kluxers In Heated Dispute Among Selves: Cries Of Dictator, Traitor And Double Cross Being Flung

January 6, 1950

Discusses the disagreements between different leaders within the Ku Klux Klan as well as those in other masked groups in the south.

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No. 6: ‘Know Your Town’ – Florence Negro Schools Making Splendid Record

May 18, 1950

Describes the segregated schools in the Florence area including Slater and Burrell and the new Handy elementary school.

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Housing Plan For Negroes Abandoned

January 6, 1950

Explains that Black housing projects in the Nashville area were abandoned, under-funded, or destroyed and describes the efforts of the American Civil Liberties Union to gain justice for those residents.

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Segregation In R.R. Dining Cars Outlawed: Supreme Court Says Violates Section Of Act; Vote Unanimous

June 5, 1950

Discusses the banning of legalized segregation by the Supreme Court due to the appeal from Elmer W. Henderson.

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Whites Held In Slaughter Of Three Negro Children

January 11, 1950

Briefly describes the arrest of two of the three men held responsible for the murder of three Black children.

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Final Blow Against Segregation Seen Negroes’ Aim: Court May Be Reluctant To Take Such Act, Negroes Expected To Seek All-Out Ruling In Future

June 11, 1950

Discusses the belief that the Supreme Court would not address the issue of segregation in an all-encompassing manner and also conveys other ideas about the legality of segregation.

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Alabama KKK Splits Wide Open, Stated: Birmingham News In Copyrighted Story Makes Revelation

January 18, 1950

Describes the divides within Ku Klux Klan leadership as well as the problems and discrepancies within the organizations that resulted from inner disputes and legal issues.

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Negro Doctors Ask Admission Into Societies: Declare Patients Suffer Due To Their Lack Of Membership

June 11, 1950

Describes that certified Black physicians wished to be granted membership into the white Medical Association in Alabama.

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All-Summer Civil Rights Fight Looms: But Congressional Leaders Failing To Support President

January 18, 1950

Describes the disputes within the House of Representatives as conflicting sides of civil rights legislation began to enter discussion and the efforts from President Truman to keep the House legislation rules the same in order for a fair decision to be made.

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Folsom Says People Sick, Tired of Civil Rights Talk

January 20, 1950

Explains that Alabama Governor Folsom believed that the discussion of civil rights had grown monotonous and that there were more crucial things to be discussed; also, presents information about a Democratic meeting in Raleigh that avoided discussion of civil rights that Governor Folsom endorsed as being positive.

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Young Negro Fatally Hurt In Jail; Investigation On

February 21, 1950

Describes that two police officers likely murdered a young Black man after he was placed in jail.

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Sheriff Consorted Freely With Ku Kluxers, Charged

February 23, 1950

Describes that Sheriff Lynch of Dade county would undergo trial for lashing the backs of seven Black men with the Ku Klux Klan.

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Dixie Sees Destruction Of Its Schools If Segregation Banned; Truman Stand Told

March 16, 1950

Describes that specific southern states actively pursued avoiding integration in all areas of their communities through legal pathways and explains a brief that was critical of integration and maintained the importance of facilities being separate but equal.

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Three Whites Charged With Brutal Deaths: Survivors Of Slaying Of Negro Family Talk To Jury

March 16, 1950

Describes that a Black farmer named Thomas Harris was shot and that his family was murdered and presents that the suspect on trial was Windol Whitt, who was represented by the mayor of the town.

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Negro Accused of Killing Sheriff is Denied Body

February 8, 1951

Describes that a Black man named William Franklin Webb was accused of killing asheriff and was denied bail. Also, cites an incident where Webb was approached by a lynch mob

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