Date: January 26, 1956
Decade: 1950s
Creator: Colbert County Reporter
Description: Describes the efforts of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Virginia in their opposition of civil rights legislation by declaring their rights as sovereign states. Also explains that the states plan to implement incentives to maintain segregation and punishments for those who support organizations such as the NAACP.
Language: English
Subject: Legislation, Segregation, States’ Rights
Location Depicted: Colbert Co., AL, Tuscumbia, AL
Digital Publisher: Colbert County Reporter
Rights Information: Public Domain (Fair Use)
Citation: “Race Ruling Is Challenged By 5 Southern States.” Colbert County Reporter, January 26, 1956.
Source Format: Newspaper
Type: Text
Format: PDF
Tags: Integration, Legislation, Politics, Rights, Segregation, States